Happy Hump Day to you all! Here's the news:
Last week, as you know, Congress held a hearing on birth control without considering the views of women. Well, the woman who was ready to testify but was not allowed to do so will testify at a hearing today about the importance of birth control to women's health. Will any GOPers even show up? Meanwhile, a Catholic university sues to block the administration's policy.
The Obama administration announced the first low-interest loans to groups that want to start non-profit health co-ops. These will be alternatives to traditional insurance and could be an exciting option.
Will nurse practitioners come to be the new primary care provider, as fewer doctors choose primary care and health reform (both the law and policy efforts, even by insurers) depends on primary care providers? They have the ability. Will Americans come to accept them?
Women are less likely to get immediate health care for a heart attack than men. One reason is that women don't get the same symptoms -- chest pain -- as men. Women feel fatigue -- and we have problems being taken seriously for that. To avoid heart disease, doctors should consider family history.
Here's a quiz to see how heart smart you are. I scored pretty well -- how did you do?
Hyperconnectivity in the brain is linked to depression. As best I can tell from the article, this means the depressed brain is less agile and versatile. Hmmm.
The FDA is allowing the import of cancer drugs amid shortages -- methotrexate and doxil.
Do you hate your body image? You may have body dysmorphic disorder.
Raw milk is more likely to cause dairy-related illness.
Sort of a light news day, but there it is. Have a great day! Jennifer
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