For some reason, Gabrielle Giffords's decision to resign has me all teary. So here's the news, minus comment:
The State of the Union is tomorrow. Everybody already hates it.
Should health insurance be required? Read two views.
Obama Administration rules that contraceptives are covered for free under health reform. Religious employers have a year to get on board. They're going to sue.
The GOP pushed Obama to make a decision on the Keystone pipeline. He made a decision: NO. But Speaker Boehner says he may try to get it attached to the payroll tax cut again.
Should doctors communicate via email? Yes, but only if the emails end up in the patient's medical record.
Student with autism is beat up on video and nobody steps in to help. Disgusting.
How to be a good patient and make your doctor like you. I'd add one more: Never show up with something they can't figure out or fix.
Advocates demand clarity about charity care. Some people don't know it exists or they can apply for it. Nobody knows the standards you have to meet to qualify for it. It's a mess, and it must be made transparent.
In effort to grow, Catholic Hospital Systems pares its ties to the church.
The rich get fancy hospital rooms.
New nursing training.
Study of chelation therapy to combat heart disease continues despite the lack of indication that it works.
Studies funded on "energy healing." Should we be funding studies of alternative treatments? Here's one you can skip -- coffee enemas.
Exercise caution when choosing health apps.
A certain treatment improves the chances of brain tumor patients.
Statins might fight breast cancer.
That's all. Have a great day. Jennifer
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