I've completely exhausted my coping skills. I need electricity. But in an effort to pretend that everything is normal, here's the news:
Poverty hits an unprecedented level, with 20.5 million Americans living below the poverty line. And 4.4 million live in concentrated centers of poverty -- neighborhoods that have been left behind. But the military spent over $1 trillion on weapons since 9/11. Can you live with this? Really?
The latest video to go viral shows two adults beating a young woman with cerebral palsy with leather belts. What makes a person become an animal? Apparently, the man doing the beating is a judge in Arkansas. Outrageous.
There's some concern for the lack of progress by the supercommittee. One top Dem has suggested that they might ask Congress for more time. A bipartisan group of 40 GOP and 60 Dem House members have told the supercommittee to go ahead and include revenue raisers. But President Obama is staying out of things for now -- and nobody's complaining. A new poll says only 23% of Americans think they can reach a deal by the deadline.
Members of panels making recommendations on hypertension, diabetes and obesity have been found to have conflicts of interest. Clearly, this calls into question the validity of their recommendations, and many members can't vote on issues where they have conflicts.
AARP and 50 other organizations are opposing repeal of the CLASS Act, the long-term care program. Although the Administration says they can't work out a way to make it economical, advocates want the law on the books so Congress will keep trying.
Electronic medical records are improving care for some patients, allowing doctors to see which patients with chronic conditions haven't been in to see the doctor in awhile and better coordinating care.
Kansas Republicans can't agree on how to implement insurance exchanges. The Governor sent back federal grant money, but the Insurance Commissioner doesn't think that's good policy.
12 people are charged in Medicare fraud costing $95 million.
The California Hospital Association has sued to try to stop cuts in Medi-Cal payments to providers.
Sitting around too much can increase the risk of breast and colon cancer.
Scientists may have found a way to delay age-related conditions by cleaning out certain cells from the body. Do you want to live forever? I don't.
Veterans find public service to be healing. Indeed, I think most people do.
A Dutch scholar has been found to have falsified much of his published research in the field of psychology. Experts say this points out problems in that field of research.
A new drug for cystic fibrosis is coming to market, and not a moment too soon for those who suffer with this awful illness.
A new study shows that loneliness is linked to sleep fragmention, but not sleep duration or subjective sleep measures.
And that's today's news. Have a great day. Jennifer
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