The White House today announced that it will not move forward on the long-term care insurance piece of health reform. They determined that they could not make it affordable and financially viable. This is sad for quite a few reasons -- but in particular, it makes me sad that this was near and dear to Ted Kennedy's heart and we couldn't make it happen for him. Of course, the GOP are thrilled.
And if you want to know about the Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan -- affordable, comprehensive coverage for people with pre-existing conditions who've been without insurance for at least 6 months, go here, NOT here. The second website was made to look governmental and all that, but it's definitely not. It's run by GEHA -- called Government Employees Health Association, Inc. -- which is NOT a federal government agency by any means. Easy rule to live by: If it's not on, it's not part of federal health reform.
And that's it for me for this week. Have a great week-end. See you Monday. Jennifer
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