Two weeks from today, we will be in our new offices unpacking, trying to learn the new phones and computers, and making the place our own. Until then, lots to do. But first, the news:
In this summer's town halls, Dems are stressing the GOP's refusal to make any changes in the tax code to raise revenue. The President pledges to introduce a proposal of job stimulus and deficit reduction in September. But nervous Dems say he has to get bolder on the economy.
GOP super-committee member Upton says he will not agree to cuts in Social Security for seniors currently receiving payments -- leaving the door open to cuts in benefits paid to those of us who aren't quite there yet.
As health care costs continue to rise, employers are shifting more of the cost to employees. When I read things like this, I feel like 2014 just can't come fast enough -- and if we lose the health reform law before them to either a court or President Obama not winning re-election, what then?
Some members of Congress and others question the number of low income children receiving disability benefits under Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
African-American scientists are less likely to get research grants from the National Institutes of Health. Really? We think we're come a long way with an African-American President, but apparently, the message hasn't trickled down.
An experimental drug has succeeded in extending the lives of obese mice. Similar drugs are in clinical trials on human subjects.
And that's all I have for you. The lightest news day ever. With Congress on recess and the President on vacation, there just isn't a lot going on. Maybe that's a good thing -- sometimes, less is more.
Have a great day! Jennifer
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