Big day today. A new contract, new work, some money that will help with the move. Before that, though, here's the news:
The President stepped into debt reduction discussions yesterday. He's saying there must be revenue raisers -- at least closing loopholes for corporations and the very wealthy. They're talking about oil and gas subsidies, depreciation of private jets, a limit on deductions for the wealthy, and changing the way businesses account for inventory. GOP leaders say no deal. Who's going to budge? Meanwhile, the House Dems -- who have no power to pass anything -- are upset that the President isn't working more closely with them. And the White House has said that they won't insist on ending the Bush tax breaks for the wealthy as part of this deal. But the American Medical Association would like to include changes in the way the government pays doctors as part of the debt deal. And hospitals are running ads opposing cuts to Medicaid and Medicare.
As states set up Exchanges (marketplaces where you will buy insurance), big money flows to consultants with the know-how.
The great Dr. Pauline Chen introduces us to a doctor who now heads up the Epilepsy Foundation -- and who has epilepsy himself.
Although we tend to think of hospitals when we think about malpractice, medical errors can occur in outpatient settings, as well.
Latina women are the most likely to feel unwell; researchers try to figure out why.
Health surveys are hitting the web and cell phones in an effort to find people without landlines.
Concierge medicine may be great for those who can afford it, but what about the rest of us?
A woman with ADHD shakes off the stigma, makes a life.
Cardiac rehab should involve intense work-outs, or so they say.
Fewer minors are smoking, study says.
Post-menopausal women who take calcium supplements are at risk for kidney stones.
Humans want to fly. I get this. I wouldn't mind being able to get from here to there without planes, trains, and automobiles. Sadly, we're not built for it.
And that, my friends, is it for this morning. Off I go. Have a great day! Jennifer
Hi Jennifer!! My motherboard has fried, so I'm not online now. Just wanted to let you know still thinking about and praying for ya!! Hope all is going better for Adv4Pats!!