Day two of the health reform anniversary week. Congress is on recess, there's war in Libya, and the Japanese are struggling with catastrophe. And I'm still here to give you today's health news:
WaPo's Ezra Klein celebrates the anniversary of health reform with a really good, accurate summary of what the law says and does. Read it. He wrote it because so many Americans are confused about the law. Indeed, public opinion remains split. But the same thing happened when Medicare Part D was created. It took time for people to understand and embrace the law. In 2014, when there are no more pre-existing condition exclusions and subsidies to help pay for insurance, people will come around. Indeed, here are predictions for next year's anniversary.
In fact, according to a report released by Families USA, 3.4 million young adults are now eligible to stay on their parents' policy to age 26; $3.2 million seniors received $250 checks last year and will see the doughnut hole closed over time; 46 million Medicare recipients can get free preventive care; 5 million children can now get insurance despite pre-existing conditions; and more than 4 million small businesses are getting tax credits. Tell me this means nothing to you. Really.
Social Security disability breaking the bank, especially in some states.
Here's a great piece -- doctors telling us how we can do better as patients. Managing the doctor-patient relationship is tricky, so this is important help.
Why do you have tension headaches and what can you do about them?
People needing mental health care still struggle to get their needs met. When are we going to get this right?
The NFL is on strike, I guess, so the players have to pay their own health care costs, including training. Apparently some are shocked by the cost.
A guide to safer antibiotic use by Jane Brody.
Death and probabilities. A great essay by Dr. Peter B. Bach.
Women who participated in a study for a device meant to shield them from radiation have tungsten particles in them.
Do boys and girls think alike? More so as they grow.
And that's the news for today. Have a great day! Jennifer
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