Peter Orszag -- former Obama Budget director -- writes opinion pieces for the NY Times -- one on why malpractice reform should happen, and one on the Medicare pilot project testing new ways of paying doctors (go back to Wednesday for the article) is a good way to start trying to control costs.
The wonderful Dr. Pauline Chen asks whether, in taking precautions to treat drug resistant infections, do we lose sight of the person? All of her articles are well worth reading, so enjoy this one.
And here's a portrait of the costliest patients in hospitals.
WaPo reports on a 30 year jail sentence imposed on a doctor whose fraud in writing prescriptions for narcotics is linked to dozens of overdose deaths.
Here's more on yesterday's National Association of Insurance Commissioners' vote on the medical loss ratio rules (see yesterday's two posts for more detail). The Wall St. Journal says the new rule is particularly bad for insurance agents/brokers as their commissions were categorized as administrative costs, which will be limited by the new rules. The Department of Health and Human Services will review the NAIC's recommendations and then put out their own final regulations, on which we will have an opportunity to comment.
And HuffPo says enemies of big government health care are hypocritical when they defend Medicare against all attacks.
USA Today reports on the epidemic of diabetes taking hold in America. By 2050, one in three people will have it. We'd all better start paying more attention to how and what we eat.
That's a good start on the day. Enjoy! Jennifer
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