All sides in the health care debate -- which seems never-ending -- are gearing up to either defend or destroy implementation of health care reform. The Republicans in Congress already have introduced a bill to repeal what they are calling Obamacare, whereas health reform supporters are campaigning to teach the public what they have to gain from the law, the NY Times reports. As $250 checks go out this week to seniors with Medicare Part D (drug benefit) to help compensate them for the coverage gap (known as the doughnut hole), many organizations are holding education seminars and meeting with media to tout the early signs of improvement -- coverage of kids to age 26, elimination of pre-existing condition exclusions for kids under 19, the creation of a web portal that will allow people to shop for insurance, and the new high risk pool -- while opponents are screaming about the non-existent government take over (really, when will they stop lying? I'm all for intellectual disagreement, but not when it's not truthful) and the cost of health reform.
Me? I record on my DVR so I can fast forward through commercials -- ALL commercials. J
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