Do you have questions for our health experts about how the new bill will affect your healthcare, and more specifically, the insurance industry?
Check out our webchat this upcoming Friday April 30 at 2:30 P.M. ET, to learn even more about how the Affordable Care Act will hold insurance companies accountable so that the health care system works for you rather than against you.
Watch live at
Send your questions to and we’ll answer as many as possible during the webchat. We will also take questions live from Twitter using handle @HHSGOV.
We want you to keep you updated on how the new law will improve your health security and the health security of your loved ones.
This week’s show will be our fifth webchat in our series. Each week we will be discussing different aspects of the new health reform bill so that you, your family and friends can get your questions answered.
You can find previous webchats on and browse the site to find all the latest information available from HHS on the new law.
Thanks for taking part in our weekly webchats and please keep watching to get your questions answered!
Jenny Backus
Acting Assistant Secretary of Public Affairs,
Moderator of the HHS Weekly Webchat
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