I hate to say this, but vacation is over. I had the greatest vacation ever. I read a ton of junky mysteries -- Grisham, Sue Grafton, a guy named Michael Connolly who I hadn't read before, a Robert B. Parker -- and spent a lot of time cuddling with Emily (the cat). I feel SO much better when I don't work 15 hours a day. It makes me think about disability -- until I realize that disability would mean losing my house and my health insurance, and that ends that thought.
For those of you who were sending good thoughts for Lindsey and my brother's family, my brother is home safely, where he belongs, although he says that the trip to Israel was life-altering, and I look forward to hearing about it. Lindsey, who I think I've figured out is probably 16 by now, is doing better, but is still in the hospital and will be for a long time, I suspect. But it sounds as though she will pull through, thank goodness.
As 2009 begins, I suppose I have a lot to be thankful for. But right now, I'm just bummed. All good things come to an end. And so it is with vacation.
So I'm back and will post something more substantive once my brain is really back in action. I hope you all had wonderful holidays. Happy New Year to you all. Jennifer
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